Posts Tagged ‘literary bouncer’

Who is this Mr. Beerland bouncer and how can I be like him?

March 19, 2010

funny pictures of dogs with captions

The bouncer at a place called “Beerland” is apparently a man of the written word. A NY Times blogger posts that he tacked this to the door:

“Once we are at capacity, it will be a one-in/one-out situation. I don’t care how many hits your [naughty language] blog gets a month. [More saltiness] Google analytics. And besides, bloggers aren’t real writers. Sorry, I just don’t respect you.”

What kind of conversations happen in the lines at SXSW? Do people really go around telling each other their hit stats? I can see getting annoyed by that. In fact, that’s about the least “rock and roll” thing I can think of. Don’t let them in. But, not knowing this guy, I’m imagining a Techno Viking type with a large collection of unread Stephen King novels and an issue of Vice kept conspicuously on his coffee table at all times. (Can you see him right now, pointing his finger at you and snarling “I’m sorry, I just don’t respect you.”)

Funny thing is, they may or may not be “real writers,” but SXSW is not a real music festival. It looks like one, and it consistently gets great lineups, but it’s actually a marketing gimmick for an industry that just so happens to have great things to market. This dude fills “Beerland” to the brim once a year and he gets to be surly to the masses of student journalists filling the streets. I’d love to be there, but let’s call it what it is: a herd of bloggers going to “Beerland” to see bands whose labels paid SXSW.